In 2021, the worldwide garlic market is expected to grow at a modest CAGR as much as 4.3 percent. By the end of 2022, the global garlic market is expected to generate revenue of 19,488,200 dollars.
Garlic is linked to onions and shallots since they are all lily family members. Garlic has a strong, spicy, and intense flavor. It develops as a bulb with cloves that are individually coated in a papery skin.
Garlic has a strong taste when raw, so it’s usually cooked or baked to soften and balance it out. Garlic, in addition to adding flavor to a variety of dishes, also has medicinal properties. Thus it is used to treat various ailments.

Garlic Retail Overview
Garlic retail leaders are attempting to make it easier to utilize garlic in cooking by providing it in various formats, including powder and paste. People, on the other hand, prefer to use garlic in its natural state. In certain areas, black garlic, made from fresh garlic, is also often eaten since it is thought to be healthier than fresh garlic.
Young garlic is fermented for a length of time to turn it into black garlic in this procedure. Meanwhile, garlic-infused soaking oils are used as fruit salads and to flavor pasta, among other things.
Garlic is a popular component used to improve the flavor of a variety of meals and be eaten raw for its many health advantages.
Garlic industry companies are also investigating different ways to retain garlic’s antibiotic effects after processing or combining it with other meals.
Top-Selling Product: Hardneck Garlic
In comparison to soft neck garlic, hard neck garlic is expected to become the most popular garlic kind. Hard neck garlic is expected to provide additional potential over US$ 2,600 million between 2017 and 2022, after gaining almost two-thirds profit share of the global garlic retail by the end of 2017.
Garlic in its natural state is highly appreciated. Fresh garlic is considered the most popular variety among the many garlic goods available on the market, such as frozen, dried, canned, or preserved garlic. Garlic in its young form is expected to generate more than US$ 11,100 million in sales by the end of 2022. Moreover, garlic in dehydrated form is expected to expand moderately in the global garlic retail until 2022.
Garlic is expected to have the most applications in the culinary world.
Culinary is expected to be one of the most popular uses for garlic in the future.
By the end of 2022, Culinary is expected to have surpassed US$ 8,800 million in sales in the garlic industry. In 2017, it was also projected to acquire more than two-fifth of sales share in the global garlic market.
Garlic has long been a popular and frequently utilized component in culinary preparations.
Garlic is available in various forms, including garlic oil, garlic powder and more. Dehydrated garlic is gaining popularity among customers due to its consistency in taste.
Garlic products are also being offered and sent to nations to be utilized during the off-season when garlic is not accessible on the market. Garlic is also used in a wide range of food items to extend their shelf life.
The following are the TOP KEY PLAYERS in the global garlic retail Worldwide:
- Mcfadden Farm
- Italian Rose Garlic Products
- South West Garlic Farm
- Filaree Garlic Farm
- Shandong Liancheng Garlic Industry
- Atmiya International
COVID-19 Impact on Garlic Market
The latest COVID-19 epidemic started in Wuhan (China) in December 2019 and has rapidly spread worldwide since then. As of March 2020, China, Iran, Italy, Spain, France, the Republic of Korea, Germany, and the United States were among the nations with the highest number of positive diagnoses and reported fatalities. Due to lockdowns, travel restrictions, and company closures, the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted economies and sectors in some nations.
As a consequence of the epidemic, all major sectors are experiencing severe disruptions, including supply chain breakdowns, technology event cancellations, and workplace closures.
With the existence of and the biggest raw material suppliers, China is the global industrial center. Due to factory closures, distribution network obstacles, and the global economic crisis, the general retail collapse triggered by COVID-19 is also hurting the development of the global garlic retail.
Garlic Market Share Analysis and Competitive Landscape
The competitive landscape for the global garlic retail offers insights and statistics on the various competitors. Some studies provide a detailed analysis and precise revenue data for the player from 2016 to 2020.
They also include comprehensive research based on verifiable revenue (global and regional) data for the period 2016-2020. Company description, main business, total revenue and sales, revenue produced in the Garlic business, date of entry into the global garlic market, Garlic product launch, recent advancements, and so on are all covered.
Garlic Facts and Retail Insights
Garlic is linked to leeks, onions, and shallots since they are all lily family members. And garlic has a strong, spicy, and intense flavor. It develops as a bulb with cloves that are individually coated in a papery skin. Garlic has a strong taste when raw, so it’s usually cooked or roasted to soften and balance it out.
In 2019, the worldwide garlic retail was worth USD 527.4 million. By the end of 2026, the market will have grown at a CAGR of 2.7 percent from 2021 to 2026, reaching USD 635.3 million.
Garlic Market Segmentation and Scope
The global garlic market is divided into two categories: by type and by its application. Companies, investors, and other industry players in the worldwide Garlic market will get an advantage by using the study as a valuable resource.