Produktionsplan für die 8. Woche für die Elfenbeinküste Nr. 20230223_04

Production Plan for Cote d’Ivoire in Factory 28 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang,...

Produktionsplan für die 8. Woche im Senegal Nr. 20230222_03

Production Plan for Senegal in Factory 22 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

08th Week Production Plan for Chile No.20230221_02

Production Plan for Chile in Factory 18 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Guide for Wholesale Chinese Garlic

Garlic is one of the most important ingredients used in cooking. It is an edible...

08th Week Production Plan for Haiti No.20230220_01

Production Plan for Haiti in Factory 16 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Produktionsplan für die 7. Woche im Senegal Nr. 20230217_05

Production Plan for Senegal in Factory 02 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Produktionsplan für die 7. Woche in Burkina Faso Nr. 20230216_04

Production Plan for Burkina Faso in Factory 01 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang,...

07. Woche Produktionsplan für Haiti Nr.20230215_03

Production Plan for Haiti in Factory 13 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Produktionsplan für die 7. Woche für Tunesien Nr. 20230214_02

Production Plan for Tunisia in Factory 19 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Produktionsplan für die 7. Woche in Ghana Nr. 20230213_01

Production Plan for Ghana in Factory 16 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

Produktionsplan für die 6. Woche für Guinea Nr. 20230210_04

Production Plan for Guinea in Factory 07 Founded in 2005, Fenduni is located in Jinxiang, Shandong...

06. Woche Produktionsplan für Surinam Nr.20230209_03

Produktionsplan für Surinam im Werk 04 Das 2005 gegründete Unternehmen Fenduni hat seinen Sitz in Jinxiang, Shandong...