Wohin gingen die Auslandsbestellungen für chinesischen Knoblauch?

According to past experience, by the end of May, late-maturing garlic in the main producing areas of northern China should be excavated in large areas. However, affected by the weather, the continuous rainy weather since last week prevented garlic from being harvested as scheduled. If the garlic is harvested at this time, it will cause the garlic to become moldy. Beginning in May, merchants’ attention has shifted to new garlic. The number of groups trading garlic in stock dropped sharply. At the same time, consumption in overseas markets is also sluggish. The export volume of garlic in April was even more shocking, shrinking year-on-year.

Low Season for Chinese Garlic Exports

In April 2023, the total amount of garlic exported from China (including fresh or refrigerated garlic, other fresh or refrigerated garlic, dried garlic, brine garlic, garlic made or preserved with vinegar or acetic acid) totaled about 173,100 tons. Among them, the export volume of fresh or frozen garlic is about 149,200 tons. Compared with the export volume of 169,600 tons in the same period in April 2022, it is a year-on-year decrease of about 12.03%.

The main exporting countries of Chinese garlic in April 2023

In April 2023, the top ten countries/regions of fresh or refrigerated garlic exports from China are:

  • Indonesia,
  • Vietnam,
  • Malaysia,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Philippines,
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Thailand,
  • Senegal,
  • Colombia,
  • Brazil.

Among them, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates maintained positive growth in demand. However, the demand in overseas markets such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia has experienced negative growth. Demand in overseas markets has shrunk significantly. The demand in overseas markets in the month was at a low level within nearly a year. The volume of fresh or refrigerated garlic has decreased by 24.57% from the previous month, and the momentum of demand in foreign markets has declined.



1.April to May is the traditional off-season for garlic exports.

During the period from 2013 to 2023, my country’s garlic export volume will remain in the range of 80,000 to 170,000 tons in April each year. This number is at a low level throughout the year. In April 2023, international orders will decrease significantly. Compared with the overseas export data in March, the export volume of fresh or refrigerated garlic decreased by about 12.03% year-on-year.

2. Some overseas buyers are waiting for new garlic to go on the market.

April-May is the month when new and old garlic are brought into line in China. Early-maturing garlic from Henan has already been listed ahead of schedule. Late ripe new dried garlic will also enter the market in the near future. Some overseas buyers have a certain reserve of goods in the early stage and are not in a hurry to place additional orders. Some buyers are waiting for the arrival of new dried garlic.

3. Consumption in some overseas markets is sluggish.

Some international customers still have a certain amount of inventory waiting to be digested. Or the purchase attitude has become cautious due to the increase in the order price. Since April, garlic farmers have been busy digging garlic, labor costs, and prices of garlic raw materials in production areas remain high.

4. The foreign trade situation is severe and complicated.

At present, the economic recovery in various countries is still uneven. The global economic structure is still showing a trend of multi-polarization. The adverse impact of the epidemic on foreign trade and export enterprises still has a certain continuity. Factors such as conflicts in the international situation and rising oil prices make foreign trade still face greater pressure.