50th Week Production Plan for Senegal No.20201212_05
Piano di produzione per il Senegal in Planting Factory 07
50th Week Production Plan for Tunisia No.20201210_04
Piano di produzione per la Tunisia in Planting Factory 02
50th Week Production Plan for Cote d’Ivoire No.20201208_02
Production Plan for Cote d’Ivoire in Planting Factory 12
50th Week Production Plan for Tunisia No.20201207_01
Production Plan for Tunisia in Planting Factory 15
49th Week Production Plan for Senegal No.20201205-09
Piano di produzione per il Senegal in Planting Factory 07
49th Week Production Plan for Mayotte No.20201205_08
Production Plan for Mayotte in Planting Factory 09
Esportazione in Kenia
Thank customers for their recognition of the product, and hope that there will be more...
Esportazione in Ghana
Il cliente del Ghana riceve le cipolle e si prepara a scaricarle
49th Week Production Plan for Tunisia No.20201204_07
Piano di produzione per la Tunisia nella fabbrica di piantagione 11
49th Week Production Plan for Tunisia No.20201203_06
Piano di produzione per la Tunisia in Planting Factory 02
49th Week Production Plan for Ukraine No.20201202_05
Production Plan for Ukraine in Planting Factory 03
49th Week Production Plan for Haiti No.20201202_04
Production Plan for Haiti in Planting Factory 15