48th Week Production Plan for Senegal No.20201124_02

Production Plan for Senegal in Planting Factory 15

48th Week Production Plan for Kenya No.20201123_01

Plan de producción para Kenia en la fábrica de plantación 02

Exportar a Paraguay

Cliente de Paraguay recibe la mercancía.

47th Week Production Plan for Tanzania No.20201119_11

Production Plan for Tanzania in Planting Factory 17

Exportar a Guinea

Descarga del cliente de Guinea

47th Week Production Plan for Haiti No.20201119_10

Plan de producción para Haití en la fábrica de siembra 03

47th Week Production Plan for Mali No.20201119_09

Production Plan for Mali in Planting Factory 04

47th Week Production Plan for Tunisia No.20201119_08

Production Plan for Tunisia in Planting Factory 26

Plan de Producción Semana 47 de Salvador No.20201118_07

Plan de Producción para Salvador en Plantación Fábrica 15

47th Week Production Plan for Trinidad and Tobago No.20201118_06

Production Plan for Trinidad and Tobago in Planting Factory 22

Exportar a Paraguay

Los clientes paraguayos están satisfechos con la calidad del producto.

Exportar a Túnez

The Tunisian customer received the goods and was very satisfied with the quality of the...