Archivos de Categoría: Garlic Wholesale Guides

Purple Garlic vs White Garlic

Introduction Garlic, with its pungent aroma and flavor, has long been a staple ingredient in...

The Bolting Period of Garlic

When talking about garlic, the distinctive taste is usually what everyone thinks of. However, the...

¿Cuáles son los beneficios para la salud del ajo?

Garlic can prevent cancer? Can eating garlic really prevent cancer? In 2018, a study by...

¿Es seguro el ajo de China? (La verdad detrás de conceptos erróneos)

La mayoría de los consumidores de ajo preguntan: "¿Es seguro el ajo procedente de China?" La respuesta es sí, lo es...

Cómo producir ajo a granel procedente de China

  China is one of the leading producers and suppliers of garlic. The country has...

Guía para la venta al por mayor de ajos chinos

Garlic is one of the most important ingredients used in cooking. It is an edible...

Los mejores proveedores chinos de ajo morado

Chinese purple garlic can use by humans for thousands of years! Chinese purple garlic is...

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el ajo morado y el ajo blanco?

When it comes to garlic, I believe everyone is no stranger. Purple garlic is an...

Beneficios del ajo blanco para la salud

Although there are many benefits of Garlic, did you know that white Garlic is even...

Ajo Precio al por mayor

It’s no secret that Garlic is a hugely popular ingredient, but finding quality Garlic at...

Types Of Garlic To Grow In Your Garden

Beyond the sweet-savoring aroma they add to our foods and the gratifying taste buds, spices,...

Is Garlic From China Safe

Varieties of Chinese Garlic There are many types of garlic, and according to different division...