Is Eating Raw Pumpkin Seeds Bad for You?

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are known to improve heart health, blood sugar levels, and quality of sleep. And they are high in nutrients and rich in powerful antioxidants. But have you ever eaten raw pumpkin seeds? Is eating raw pumpkin seeds bad for you?

The answer is no. Eating raw pumpkin seeds is not only harmless, but it can also help us improve our immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Are raw pumpkin seeds good for you?

So, are raw pumpkin seeds good for you? Yes. Here are some questions similar to “are raw pumpkin seeds good for you?”

  • is it ok to eat raw pumpkin seeds
  • can you eat raw pepita seeds
  • are raw pumpkin seeds safe to eat
  • are raw pumpkin seeds edible

Eating raw pumpkin seeds is a good option. Although both roasted and raw pumpkin seeds are good for health, eating raw pumpkin seeds can get more nutrients because the high temperature during the roasting process will destroy some nutrients. 

Health benefits of eating raw pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds


The rich fiber content of raw pumpkin seeds is a form of carbohydrate that helps prevent constipation and improves digestive health. You can also increase your intake of protein by eating raw pumpkin seeds. Each ounce of raw pumpkin seeds contains almost 9 grams of this nutrient. Eating raw pumpkin seeds can also help increase your mineral intake. Raw pepitas contain iron, which is vital for red blood cell function. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the reasons you should choose raw pumpkin seeds rather than over-roasted. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. It can dilate blood vessels to lower blood pressure and thins the blood to decrease a spontaneous blood clot risk. By eating raw pumpkin seeds, protect cells against reactive oxygen species (or free radicals). According to the Office of Dietary supplements, raw pumpkin seeds have 0.6 mg of vitamin E per ounce. This is 4 percent of your daily requirement. Only 0.2 milligrams are found in roasted pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin K

Raw pumpkin seeds contain more vitamin K than their roasted counterparts. Vitamin K helps stimulate blood clot formation after tissue damage, helping our blood cells aggregate to prevent bleeding. Eating raw pumpkin seeds can help heal skin after injury and promotes bone growth and maintenance. Raw pumpkin seeds have 2 mg of vitamin K per 1-ounce portion — twice the amount as roasted pumpkin seed. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, an ounce of raw pepitas will provide approximately 2 percent of your recommended daily vitamin K intake.


How much raw pumpkin seeds should I eat daily?

Now, you might be thinking: how much raw pumpkin seeds should I eat daily?

According to the American Heart Association recommendations, the average person should eat no more than 30 grams of raw pumpkin seeds per day.


Can You Eat Pumpkin Seed Shells?


pumpkin seeds shells
pumpkin seeds shells

We just answered the question about “can you eat raw pumpkin seeds?” The result is: yes, pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw. Here we talk about another question: Can you eat pumpkin seed shells?

Because of its hard texture, some people don’t like the unshelled pumpkin seeds. Definitely, pumpkin seeds without shells are very convenient to eat. So if you want to remove your seeds before snacking, that is totally fine. But is it ok to eat pumpkin seed shells? Are you supposed to eat pumpkin seed shells?

Can eating pumpkin seed shells hurt you?

No. Eating pumpkin seed shells are safe for most people. Usually, the original pumpkin seeds are covered in yellow-white shells. That is unshelled pumpkin seeds. However, most of what you see in grocery stores are pumpkin seeds without shells. Actually, unshelled pumpkin seeds have better texture and nutrition.

The fiber content of unshelled pumpkin seeds is twice that of the shell. Whole unshelled pumpkin seeds contain approximately 5 grams of fiber per ounce (28 grams). Pumpkin seeds without shells only have 2 grams.

But one thing to note: People with digestive problems (such as IBD) should avoid unshelled pumpkin seeds. Because the shell of pumpkin seeds is rich in fiber, it may be a bit too rough for some people with sensitive stomachs.


shelled pumpkin seeds vs unshelled

shelled pumpkin seeds vs. unshelled

The shell of pumpkin seeds is an important source of fiber. Fiber can improve our digestion by supporting the beneficial bacteria in the stomach. And eating pumpkin seed shells can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

They are also a rich source of many other nutrients, such as zinc, magnesium, and copper. Unshelled pumpkin seeds are also rich in iron, which is essential for blood health and oxygen transport.



Is eating raw pumpkin seeds bad for you? No. Can you eat pumpkin seed shells? Yes. Are you supposed to eat pumpkin seed shells? Yes.  The fiber content of the whole unshelled pumpkin seeds is much higher than that of pumpkin seeds without shells. This nutrient helps improve our digestion and heart health.

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