فئة الآرشيفات: Customer Feedback

2nd Week Production Plan for Mali No.20210105_02

Production Plan for Mali in Planting Factory 07

Export to Trinidad and Tobago

The customer is very satisfied with the product~

تصدير إلى باراجواي

Thank customers for their recognition of the product, and hope that there will be more...

Export to Kenya

Thank customers for their recognition of the product, and hope that there will be more...

Export to Ghana

Ghana customer receives onions and prepares to unload

تصدير إلى باراجواي

عميل باراغواي يتلقى البضائع

تصدير إلى غينيا

تفريغ عميل غينيا

تصدير إلى باراجواي

عملاء باراجواي راضون عن جودة المنتج.

التصدير إلى تونس

The Tunisian customer received the goods and was very satisfied with the quality of the...

Export to Ecuador

Customers received garlic, the first time to inform us, thank customer for trust.

Export to Georgia

The customer in Georgia has received the goods, perfect quality, hope customers have a prosperous...