Garlic Powder vs. Granulated Garlic: What’s the Difference?

What differentiates granulated garlic from garlic powder?

Garlic is a wonderful vegetable that provides a unique flavor to any dish while lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Garlic is a common component in many recipes. Both garlic powder and granulated garlic are common forms of garlic that can be used in your recipes.

Garlic powder and granulated garlic are two of the most popular forms of garlic on the market. However, many consumers are unsure what sets these products apart. What is granulated garlic exactly? Is it the same as garlic powder? Will you get all of the health benefits that garlic provides if you choose one over the other? Are they interchangeable in recipes, or are there some limitations? This article will cover all of these questions. Here is a quick rundown of some of the differences between them. But before that, let’s take a brief Overview of both.

What is Garlic Powder?

Garlic powder is the dried and ground form of garlic that has been pressed into a fine powder.. It’s often used as a substitute for fresh garlic, which is difficult to store for long periods. Because it has a less strong flavor than fresh garlic, garlic powder can be added significantly without overpowering the other ingredients. Garlic powder is usually made from crushed garlic cloves dehydrated at high temperatures to remove moisture and ground into a fine powder. 

Where can you use Garlic Powder?

  • Garlic powder can be used as an ingredient in many dishes, including pasta sauce, pizza sauce, meatloaf, stir-fry dishes, and chili con carne. 
  • Garlic powder provides a milder taste than fresh garlic cloves do when you’re cooking with it because the flavor gets absorbed into other ingredients instead of lingering on your breath after you eat them!

What are some advantages of using Garlic Powder?

Garlic powder offers many advantages and applications. Among them, the most common are

  1. Garlic powder can be used in place of fresh garlic, which can help you get more garlic flavor without having to deal with peeling and chopping cloves.
  2. It’s less intensive than fresh garlic because you don’t have to chop or peel it before adding it to your food.
  3. Garlic powder is also very easy to store because it does not spoil like fresh garlic does. This means you can always keep it on hand and use it whenever you need it.

Now let’s take an overview of Granulated Garlic before moving on to our main question.

What is Granulated Garlic?

Granulated garlic is a granular form of garlic that has been dried and dehydrated. The granules are easy to use and can be added directly to recipes or sprinkled on foods as needed. They can also be used in meat, fish, and poultry rubs.

Where can you use Granulated Garlic?

  • The most common way to use granulated garlic is as an ingredient in homemade bread and pasta sauces. 
  • Granulated garlic can also be added to meats and vegetables before roasting or grilling them so that the meat or vegetable absorbs some of its flavors.
  • If you want more garlic flavor without adding salt, try using granulated garlic instead of fresh or powdered garlic. 

Just remember that 1/4 teaspoons equal one clove of fresh garlic so go easy on the amount you add if you don’t want it too overpowering!

What benefits do you get from using Granulated Garlic?

  • Granulated Garlic is easier to use than fresh garlic because you can just add it to anything without having to crush or chop the garlic first.
  • You can measure the amount you want to use instead of chopping up fresh garlic, saving time and effort.
  • It’s less likely to give you bad breath than raw or fried garlic.

Key Differences between Garlic Power and Granulated Garlic


Garlic powder is more finely ground than granulated garlic. This makes it easier to dissolve in liquids and more likely to stick to food, while Granulated garlic is coarser than garlic powder, so it is easier to use in recipes that require a finer texture. It can be used as a substitute for garlic powder in recipes that call for minced or crushed garlic.

Shelf life

Both granulated garlic and garlic powder have an indefinite shelf life if stored properly in a cool, dry place away from light and heat sources (such as windowsills). However, granulated garlic stores better because it is less susceptible to oxidation than powdered garlic, which makes it more stable during storage.


Granulated garlic has a more pungent aroma than powdered garlic since it contains more oil than powdered garlic. However, use granulated garlic in cooking. You can use less of it since it has more flavor than powdered garlic, so you don’t have to use too much of it to get the desired flavor effect from your dish.


Both granulated garlic and garlic powder have a strong flavor with a slight kick at the end due to their aromatic sulfur compounds. Granulated garlic, on the other hand, has a stronger flavor than pure powder because of its bigger size and surface area, allowing more air exposure during processing. This can boost the potency of odor molecules emitted during cooking, which impacts the overall flavor of your cuisine.

Can we use Garlic Powder and Granulated Garlic interchangeably?

Granulated garlic is dehydrated garlic that’s been ground into a granules . It can be used in place of fresh garlic in recipes. Garlic powder is made by grinding dehydrated granulated garlic into a fine powder. Although both products have the same flavor, they have different textures and uses. Garlic powder is used to flavor foods without adding any moisture. In contrast, granulated garlic can be added to recipes and used on its own as a condiment or seasoning for meats and vegetables.

Both can be used interchangeably in recipes, but you will get different results depending on which one you use:

  • If you use granulated garlic, you will get a more robust flavor than garlic powder. However, suppose your recipe calls for additional ingredients that are strong in taste, such as onions or tomatoes. In that case, granulated garlic may overpower them.
  • Garlic powder will add an aroma to your dish without giving off any strong taste. This is ideal when making dishes that call for ingredients that would not go well with their strong taste, such as casseroles.


As you can see, the difference between granulated garlic and garlic powder is slight. Still, it makes a big difference in taste! Hopefully, you are now aware of the differences between granulated garlic and garlic powder. Utilize this information in your next recipe to ensure that your meal will taste fantastic.

Which one do you prefer to use in your recipes: granulated garlic or garlic powder? Let us know below.

And if you find this blog helpful, head over to China Garlic. As a wholesale garlic supplier, we commit to supplying high-quality garlic and delivering freshness and timely service.

Check out الثوم الصيني now for your next Garlic hunt.